Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Building hope

From EducationGuardian.co.uk
By Janet Murray

John Brindle is using his skills to help orphans in Tanzania

I've always been an adventurous traveller. I've travelled widely, for both work and pleasure - Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and even Antarctica. In 2006, a friend told me about a project in Tanzania working in an orphanage funded by a Christian charity known as the Bethany Project.

I wanted to make a difference and liked the idea of making use of my building skills to do that. During the two-week trip, with a group of volunteers, I helped to build 12 bunk beds and refurbish one of the classrooms and a toilet block. You have to pay for your own flight and contribute towards your food and living costs. I used £800 of my savings to fund the trip. I can be quite tight-fisted, but I didn't mind a bit because I knew my money was going directly to support the charity.

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