Monday 17 December 2007

Trafficking in humans: Another threat calling for public intervention

From IPP Media, Dar es Salaam
By Bilham Kimati

The ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children is preparing a comprehensive plan to unravel children currently under exploitation in various sectors ranging from mining, agriculture, domestic servitude, commercial sex operations and other forms of ill-treatment.

Information gathered from a high ranking official in the ministry who preferred anonymity for reasons of not being the spokesperson divulged that the government was working on the final details of a strategy that would ensure a systematic removal of children subjected to exploitation, abuse, torture, humiliation and some said to be denied payment for the service rendered.

"In response to the government policy that all school age children should be in school, the ministry has formed a multi-sectoral task force drawing its members from various departments entrusted with the duty to propose ways to stop child labour in the country and help seal off the loopholes.
Preliminary findings of the team indicated that there has been a very close link between human trafficking and violation of human rights especially among children being deceived to have better life in urban centres," said the officer.

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